Featured whitepaper: the new model for customer retention
How can you use real-world data to take retention rates to the next level? With leading loyalty app Beblue, we show you how to use right moment marketing to lift conversions and cultivate customer lifetime value.
Whitepaper: how shopping apps can lift customer lifetime value
How can you ace your app user retention metrics in this fiercely competitive space? Download the whitepaper and learn how to retain, engage and win back app users to increase LTV.
Case study: how Vouchercloud achieved 11x ROI with location targeting
75% of users don’t return to an app even the day after downloading it. Vouchercloud demonstrates how to keep users engaged with your app, stand out above the rest, and deliver determinable ROI to advertisers.
Report: how to double your mobile engagement
How can you increase your notification open-rate by 100%? We conducted research from a database of more than 20 million devices, and ran an experiment with The Next Web conference.
Infographic: use real-world insights to boost retention
20% of customers churn in 30 seconds – and businesses are running out of ways to keep their attention. So, how can you build a sustainable strategy for customer loyalty in a world of constant change?
Whitepaper: 4 ways to increase app opt-in and build consent for GDPR
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) hands control to consumers to determine how, when and why you use their location data. How can you capture clear opt-in for location marketing, whilst staying GDPR compliant?
Cheat sheet: the dos & don’ts of proximity marketing
Want to make communications with your app users more relevant and boost engagement? Here’s everything you need to do (or not do) to create brilliant proximity marketing campaigns that do just that.
FAQs: GDPR Best Practices for location based marketing
We collected all the questions you had, and covered the key areas you saw as tricky to get in place to address the GDPR; not only to help you stay legal, but use trust-based marketing as strategy.
eBook: choosing micro-moments to reach customers
In this eBook of moments, we show you how leading apps check their customers’ real-life movements and events, create the right interaction triggers, and engage with them in the right place – at the right time.
eBook: the ultimate guide to geofencing for mobile marketing
The latest tips on how to create physical customer journeys with smart, tactical geofences and beacons, in a way which matches your engagement strategy.