
Release Notes August 2015: Experimentation with Notification Actions

Today we bring you a new release! We have updated our dashboard to support experimentation with notification actions. Read all about it in these release notes.

Experimentation with Notification Actions

Some time ago we have introduced experiments, these allow you to experiment with notification messages to see which message is most effective.

Experiment with Notification Messages

Experiment with Notification Messages

Experiments can be found by clicking the flask button on the right.

Today we expand this feature by adding experimentation with notification actions. When creating an experiment for a campaign you can now select whether you want to also experiment with the notification action.

Experimentation with Notification Actions

Experimentation with Notification Actions

Select if you want to experiment with different notification actions.

Selecting this allows you to, for instance, compare effectiveness of linking to a web page, or an in-app landing page. Or see if only opening your app is better than deeplinking to an action page. Of course you can still set the percentage of your user which will receive one of the messages.

A/B test linking to a web page VS an in-app landing page

A/B test linking to a web page VS an in-app landing page

Experiment with different notification actions. Try out the feature now on our dashboard!
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