
Release Notes October 2014: Geofence, Beacon and Notification Status

Next time you log into our dashboard you will notice a few changes, because as of today we have updated our dashboard with statuses! You can now see both a notification status and that of geofences and beacons. Additionally, we have changed the publishing of notifications, this feature has been replaced by an action dropdown in which you can either enable, pause or delete your notification.

Notification Status

In the notification overview in the dashboard we have changed some columns and merged some actions resulting in a clearer representation of your notifications. We have merged the edit and delete notification buttons into the status, and the edit geofence and the geofence name into a clickable name. This leaves more space for displaying the notification message and the new status feature.

We have added a status column containing the individual status per notification. The status can be eligible, when it is inside its timespans, or paused, depending on the user setting (see below), or scheduled, when it has scheduled timespans in the future on which it will become enabled. The last state a notification can be is ended, in which case the notification is not in a timespan and there is no upcoming timespan.


Notification Status

New notification overview containing statuses


Change Notification Status

Our old publish feature was slightly confusing to our users, therefore we have replaced it with our new dropdown menu. In this menu you can enable and pause the notification, which works the same as publish and unpublish did. We have added the delete option there as well.


Pause notification

Pause your notifications in one click!


Geofence/iBeacon Status

The geofence overview and the iBeacon overview both have had a similar rework. We have added a status column in which for each geofence/iBeacon a status is shown, this status is directly dependent on the status of the notifications of the geofence. It is active if it has a currently enabled notification, it is scheduled when it has no enabled notifications but scheduled ones and it is inactive if it only has notifications which are ended.


Geofence overview

New geofence overview containing statuses


Thats all the changes made to the dashboard in this update, check out the improved dashboard today and see how it works! Any feedback is welcome of course.

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