
Release Notes April 2014: iOS Demo App

Another Plot Projects Scrum sprint has been completed and brings you new features. Soon you will be able to test our services on iOS without having to write a single line of code with our iOS Demo App. Our paying customers can now download their invoices in our dashboard and more documentation has been written on testing the Plot plugin.

iOS Demo App

Plot Projects iOS Demo App

Plot Projects iOS Demo App

Are you a big Apple fan and were you disappointed that you could only test our services with an Android app? Then we’ve got some good news for you! A demo app for our services has been submitted to the iOS App Store and will hopefully be available soon! Just enter your public token (which you can find on the dashboard) and start receiving location based notification right away without writing one line of code. Also iBeacons are fully supported in this app. Keep an eye on our dashboard and website to download the app as soon as it is available. In the mean time: download our Android app on your friend’s/boss’s/neighbor’s phone!

Invoices on our Dashboard

Invoices in Plot Projects Dashboard

Invoices in Plot Projects Dashboard

Some customers have asked to make the invoices for their paid accounts available as downloads on our dashboard. And as we are extremely customer friendly (at least we try to be 😉 ) we have made the complete archive of invoices available to our customers. Well… only you have access to your invoices of course 🙂 . Check out the invoices page on our dashboard.

Testing Tips

We have received some of feedback of developers that were confused while testing our plugin for location based notifications. To make it clear what you can expect when you are testing the Plot plugin, we have added an additional section to our documentation.

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