
Location Based Notifications on Appcelerator Titanium

Please Note: Support for Appcelerator has been deprecated

Good news! The Plot library for Location Based Notifications is now available for Android and iOS apps that are created with Appcelerator Titanium. Sending your users a notification when they are near a location is as easy as pie.

To integrate Plot into your Appcelerator Titanium app you only have to follow these four steps.

  1. Sign up for a free account on our website
  2. Login to our dashboard with the account details that were emailed to you and create a Place on your location and a Notification to that Place (with a URL in the data field)
  3. Download the plugin from the Appcelerator Marketplace or directly from our website. In Titanium Studio select Help => Install Mobile Module and select the file you have downloaded from the Appcelerator Marketplace. Also select your Mobile App Project under ‘Mobile App Project’.
Integration Options

Integration Options

See the Titanium documentation for more information.

  1. Copy this snippet to one of the scripts used for initialization of your project (usually app.js or alloy.js) and replace the publicToken with the public token that was emailed to you (and is available on the dashboard):
    var plot = require('com.plotprojects.ti');
    plot.initPlot({ publicToken:'REPLACE_ME' });

That is all that is required to get Plot running in your application. After running the app on your phone (the Android emulator won’t work) you should receive the notification you just added in our dashboard.

The Titanium module is open-source and also contains a usage example. Please see

Please note that not all features of the native plugin are currently available for Titanium users (for example client-side filtering of notifications and custom notification handlers). Please let us know if you require a feature that is not currently available and keep an eye on our blog and github repository. Update: both filtering of notifications and custom notification handlers are now available.

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