
Release Notes September 2014: iOS8, Campaign Management and Testing

Another sprint has been completed by the Plot development team. The following new features have been added: iOS8 compatibility, campaign management in the dashboard, the ability to get more geofences for your free account, more testing abilities for developers and a standardized library reference documentation.

iOS 8 compatibility

For several months we already had an iOS 8 compatible plugin. Because Apple often makes last minute changes to their upcoming iOS versions we waited until the availability of the GM version before pushing out our iOS 8 compatible plugin. Now that iOS 8 is final, the plugin has been released and you can submit your iOS 8 ready apps to the App Store. Please update your plugin to the newest version to ensure compatibility with iOS 8. Download the new plugin from our dashboard.

Campaign management

We have made it easier for you to manage campaigns. You can now add a notification to multiple geofences at once. And just to be nice, we implemented a way for you to remove them again in one go: search on the geofences overview page and click the button labeled “Delete All Related Notifications”. Tip: Add a tag to the name of your geofences to be able to find them easily (e.g. “[USAstores]”). Get started right away!

More geofences for free

Really? For free? Yes! You only have to enter your credit card details and you will be able to create 5 additional geofences for free. Of course we will not bill you until you switch to a paid account. Enter your credit card details to enjoy 5 additional geofences.

More testing abilities for developers

We have added additional messages to the debug logs so developers can find out why a notification is or isn’t shown. Read our blog posts about testing the integration of the plugin on Android and iOS. Additionally we have made it possible to unit test your implementation of the Notification Filter. In iOS you can test using [PlotFilterNotifications testFilterNotifications:delegate:] and in Android using NotificationFilterReceiver.createTestFilterIntent().


To make integration even easier, we have created reference guides. You can find it here for iOS and here for Android.

We also have a reference documentation for iOS and Android. Read it for iOS and Android. It’s awesome!

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